Grounds & Hounds Coffee Co. - The Dog Sleeps in My Bed Xtra Caf Coffee

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Trust us, we know the deal. An essential part of being a dog parent is to make sure your pup is as comfortable as possible at all times. This means we often pay the price for their comfort, and their curious ability to take up 3 times more space than physics would predict, in bed every night. They wake up refreshed, we wake up exhausted, and the day commences. To battle back against restless nights with our sprawling sidekicks, we have created this rich and savory high caf blend with 1.5x the caffeine of a standard cup of coffee! More than an extra boost of energy, this delicious dark roast blend delivers a mouthwatering sipping experience. Delicious notes of Toasted Vanilla and Milk Chocolate jump from the cup, complimented by savory hints of Graham Cracker and Walnut on the finish. When strong coffee isn't strong enough, this blend has you covered!  100% Arabica Dark Roast Whole Bean and Ground Size: 12 oz.

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